Last Updated on December 4, 2024
We all see celebrities, actresses, beauty bloggers, and Kardashians posting no makeup selfies. The #ijustwokeuplikethis candid shot. A genuine look underneath at all the time and effort that goes into looking beautiful. Some still look stunning and others absolutely hideous. But in a weird way, it makes that person more relatable. Every blemish and flaw is exposed. They are more normal. Welcome to the No Makeup Home Tour.

Table of Contents
Welcome To The No Makeup Home Tour
Over the last year, I’ve been wanting to host a home tour that was a bit out of the ordinary. Something authentic. A real glimpse behind the curtain of Instagram and into the everyday life of the home decor blogger. When not every pillow is perfectly karate chopped, and not every bed is made. After months of planning, I threw it out there, thinking for sure this would take convincing. But I sent out an email anyway, asking a few of my bloggery besties to join me, crossed my fingers, and hoped for the best. Much to my surprise, an incredibly talented group (all listed below…please go visit their home tours as well) stepped forward, ready to bear it all. Welcome to the No Makeup Home Tour.
As I sit here writing this post from bed at 1:14 a.m., I’m waiting for the next round of vomit from my son. Yup, we’re getting real immediately. House Of Hipsters has the flu. I figure I have about 90 minutes before he wakes up again, so let’s get crackin’!
Because I live with an OCD German, my home is usually very surface clean. If there’s clutter, The Boy gets itchy, but there’s a catch…let me share the story his mother loves to tell. Years ago, when The Boy was asked to clean his room, he’d take everything, shove it into his bedroom closet, and close the door. His mother would open said closet, and everything would come crashing down on her. He’s a chucker. If you visit our home, do not open drawers or closets. You may get buried alive. And a word to the wise: if you have an important document or favorite pen, don’t leave it out. It will be chucked into the abyss.
Eclectic Modern Dining Room Decor

The dining room is pretty much spotless all the time because its main reason for existence is to look pretty. I have grand illusions to host fancy dinner parties with fancy friends sipping fancy cocktails in this space. Someday when I can stay up past 9 pm without a child puking, maybe that’ll happen. At that time, I’ll probably be an old granny with a walker jamming to Snoop Dogg…but mark my words.

I’ve been contemplating painting or wallpapering this space…above the molding. And now that I’m unemployed, I really need to sand and wax that table. No room for excuses. I did finally hang the sconces from the Paris flea though…well, The Boy hung them, and I supervised. It’s what I do best.

Recently a few changes were made on the fly. A glam AF console was put under the blue lady, and the rug made a disappearing act. Ever since I returned from the design summit, I’ve been inspired to warm up the color palette in the house. I’m presently in search of a tattered old Persian with terra cotta, pinks, and taupe…dare I say mauve? If you spy one, let a gal know, will ya?
I swapped out the light blue portrait over the bar cart for that Parisian nudie patootie in warmer tones.

The chunks of the frame are still sitting in the cup holder of my car, and one day I will get crafty and put Ms. Humpty Dumpty back together again. Those missing chunks did get me one heck of a deal on this beauty, though.
The bar cart styling was dismantled…again, and now it sits until I get a few hours to play.

My present project is figuring out how to “pop” my most recent estate sale score, the Rosenthal glasses (in the original boxes), in my great-grandmother’s china cabinet. There are 62 total, and there are five different sizes. They are so good, but that dark wood combo’d with the smokey base of the glass hides their beauty. I’m also figuring out the bottom shelf…BTDubs, what is it about bottom shelves that are so confusing to style? You’ll see my built-ins have the same bottom shelf issue.
Even though my grandmother gave me this piece, I’m not really attached to this china cabinet, so painting it is totally an option. Yes, those are office folders lining it. Because paint is permanent, that’s just me just testing the waters. Next step baby step is painting poster board in different shades to see what works best. If it looks acceptable, I’ll probably just tape the poster board to line it.
Side note, I recently found out my grandfather gave this hutch to my grandmother (it belonged to his mother, my great grandmother). My grandmother was apparently not a fan of her mother-in-law, so she shoved it in the attic until she found her perfect moment to off it. “Kyla, I didn’t know you collected antiques.” She must have evil laughed in her head all the way home that day.
How many of you have children who think your home is clothing optional? Both of mine run around in undies only. I sometimes wonder why I even buy them clothes.

White Kitchen Woes
The kitchen was a flip by the former owners. A quick cosmetic fix. The look is okay, but it’s not really my jam. The backsplash is super busy chrome, white and black tile. The countertops pitted. The island cabinetry doesn’t match…and not just because it’s black, but it was never replaced. And painted (poorly). The double oven is on its last legs, and the stovetop, ya, it has a piece of tape for the exhaust fan that sometimes raises up out of the island…sometimes not. The original ho-hum pendant lighting still hangs above the tulip table and island. One day…one day, I will make it fabulous.

As I was walking through slabs of Cambria quartz countertops last week, I started to dream of waterfall islands and fields of white counter space. Pretty new pulls and one killer tile job for a backsplash.
And yes, that corner is filled with bread and fruit and tomatoes, avocados, and sweet potatoes. I also spy some garlic, a frying pan, and a coffee mug from Pinewood Social and Alexa. (We have the Alexa show that flips through old photos and posts trending stories. I love it.) Where on earth do you store your produce? Seriously, in every Pinterest kitchen I see, there’s no corner like this. Where’s the friggin’ food that can’t go in the frig? All I see is a bowl of lemons. That’s not real.

Let’s head into the living room, shall we? Right around the corner, we have the wet bar in the living room. When we renovated Potty Paradise, I almost had Gerry rip it out. But then came summer, and now I couldn’t imagine living without it. Neighbors come over, and I put the drinks there. Prep food. It’s nothing fancy to look at…again, one day. Maybe when I win the lottery, this space also is great storage for all sorts of pink crafts for the naked one.

RELATED: The wet bar has been renovated! See how we created the floating stone shelf.
The Brick Fireplace And Built-Ins
The built-ins are a dream come true, yet the bane of my existence. I can’t even tell you how many countless hours I’ve spent styling them. Palm to forehead.

On the floor, below this shelf is a secret stash of shelfie props.

Painting that brick fireplace is something I’ve toyed with. But like I said before, paint is pretty permanent. It isn’t a hideous color, yet, I just feel like the dark weighs the space down. To paint or not paint? I’m taking an impromptu poll right here. What do you think?

While you mull that over, the naked one is going to do what she does best. Play spin the chairs.

The Powder Room That Packs A Punch
Most everyone who’s been here before knows about my One Room Challenge from last year…better known as Potty Paradise. This powder room packs a punch with its bold wallpaper. I wanted it to be like a jewelry box when you opened the door…so pretty that when you walk in, you forget to pee. One day I’ll caulk that ceiling medallion.

The Latest Look In The Living Room
Onward to the Design Off living room to see what’s been changed, shall we?

The biggest switcheroo here is the Milo Baughman chairs from the Savoy Flea. The day she found them, I knew they’d be mine…eventually. At the time, I was grounded from chairs, so I had to wait it out until the coast was clear. The Horchow head planter was scored at an estate sale not too long ago. Although, I’m not sure if I’m sold on her…maybe more pampas grass?

The art in the original makeover was amazing, but I thought this particular wall needed something larger in scale. Again, estate sale purchase to the rescue.

Wahoo! We’ve made it through the main floor. Have you got the second floor and basement in you? Come on! The last one up the stairs is a rotten egg!

The hallway has taken on this Parisian chic look and feel. I blame my recent trip and Maison Souquet.

RELATED: Add a little sparkle with these disco ball decor ideas.
Where The Magic Happens
Let’s be like MTV Cribs (anyone else miss that show?) and start in the bedroom…cuz, you know, it’s where the magic happens. Ya baby, you know what I’m talking about…a whole 7 hours of blissful sleep if you’re lucky. Am I right?

This is the one room where the decor didn’t really change when we moved from the old home. And yes, our bed is made daily courtesy of The Boy. I try to make it, but get distracted…ohhhh look! A chicken! The ceiling medallion was installed not too long ago, and ever since, I’ve wanted to rehaul the entire room.

Check out that superior nightstand styling. All-day erry day this is it. I’ve got my plantar fascitis ball to roll my sore feet, a Kelly Wearstler book I flip through when I’m in need of some inspo, the best foot cream on the planet, Stress Fix hand lotion and iPad.

Until I makeover the master, this dresser and the shadeless lamp will sit here…waiting patiently.
The ensuite is a space where the former owners had a hay day. Palatial Greek pillars…I mean, yes, of course, pillars belong in the bathroom.
Why on earth are those sconces hung so high??? The sinks are in the shape of a shell, and the difference between his and hers sides is that The Boy’s is immaculate, and mine is covered in product. And of course, I have to have a brass chippendale vintage chair to blow dry my hair, I mean, who doesn’t, am I right? Treat yo self!

When we moved in, this bathroom was covered in blue toile wallpaper and dark wood. We ripped it all down and painted it white. Ceiling to floor. Again, Cambria dreaming here, but can you imagine? A beautiful pendant centered over a stand-alone tub and the walk-in shower (not pictured) covered in quartz? Clutch the freakin’ pearls!
At this point, though, I’d be happy with hooks. Presently, I’m hookless, so robes and towels are strewn about.
When leaving the master, there is this strange sitting area that we use to hide from the children. When one of us needs a break…a minute of solace…yup, this is the spot. Pay no attention to those curtain rods peeking out from the sofa.

Home Office Design Progress
That gets us to my home office. It’s yet another work in progress, but basically, I’m filling it up with all my favorite things. If I’m going to spend all day here, it has to have the best view.

I’m still trying to figure out that rug sich, but it’s getting better.

Everything is looking pretty perfect, right? That is until I turn the camera to this:

GASP!!!!!! HOARDER!!!!!! HOARDER!!!!!! HOARDER!!!!!! This here is what happens when you open an online vintage shop without a brick and mortar to hide your stash. I swear there is a system, but it needs to be organized better. The other day I spent over 4 hours looking for a marble owl I had to ship out. SMH.
The Guest Bathroom Needs Love
The last two rooms up here are the guest bath and bedroom.

This wallpaper. It’s a dilemma. Part of me thinks it’s cool. Another part of my thinks oh lawdy! And how about those fancy blue fluffy curtains? Awe ya! It’s one sexy beast of a room. This was the old master bath prior to the edition the former owners added. Tender loving care is what it needs…again…someday.

Ahhhh, the guest room. the room that The Boy likes to say smells like sweaty old Czech men with twirled mustaches who lift weights. Ummmm, pardon? See that leather headboard? Yup, that’s what he’s referencing. Let me explain.
It arrived by USPS and is the reason my mailman hates me. It weighs approximately 150 pounds and was shipped here from Prague. The leather, well, smells leathery, but in an old sweaty man kinda way. I’m really sellin’ ya on spending the night here, aren’t I?

Can we briefly chat Pinterest linens? You know what I’m talking about. They’re perfectly imperfect. Mismatched, wrinkly, and amazing. They make you want to drink a fancy coffee in bed, read Kinfolk magazine, and take an overhead shot of your appendages wearing fancy socks. I haven’t mastered any of this yet, but I am getting a bit closer.

Yowza! You made it through, and now it’s time to head off to the other tours! I’m on my way to check them out too.

Discover More Interior Design Inspiration and Home Decor Ideas
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No Makeup Home Tour - Apartment34
[…] jojotastic | anne sage | bre purposed | the diy playbook | house of brinson | francois et moi | oscar bravo home | simple stylings | bigger than the three of us | house of hipsters […]
Trish Kachel
Oh that was fun!!!! I love your gallery of nudes the best! The vintage Chesterfield too! Thanks for keeping it real
Becky @ Daly Digs
The “no makeup” version of your house is still pretty darn good. I vote yes to wallpaper in the dining and painting the brick. You guys have inspired me to do a “never seen before” tour of my house on the blog. Which sounds really scary haha.
Becky @ Daly DigsIt helps that it stays fairly clean. But this post was oddly difficult to shoot. I’m so used to moving things out of the way or just fixing this or that. I had to keep telling myself, girl, just leave it alone =) The whole process was fun!
Pat M.
Your house is soooo eclectic and interesting. Please don’t try to make it Pinterest-worthy. It has such personality and obviously, so do you. I would love to have the daybed, but I’m sure several thousand of your followers have already spoken for it. Great tour …..
Pat M.Thanks for stopping by Pat =) Sometimes it’s hard not to want to make it Pinterest-worthy, maybe that is part of the reason for this post. It’s ok not to be Pinterest-worthy. If your home reflects you, and your comfortable in it, well, that’s all that matters, right? And the daybed had a few inquiries but it’s still up for grabs!
Patrick Weseman
Wow, what a beautiful home. Very interesting decor and clean, whereas my house looks like an old used bookstore with books all over.
Patrick WesemanPatrick! Long time no talk. I remember you from Found Foraged =) Hope you are well and thanks for stopping by!
This series is SO refreshing and your house keeps going and going (in the best way!!). I’m obsessed with all your treasures, art, and amazing furniture. Let me know when another one of these happens, I totally want in! xo
SarahSarah!!!!!!! Miss you girl! And the next round you’re in!
This was a thoroughly enjoyable read (and my first visit to your blog). I love the corner upstairs with the nudes and blue velvet chair. And I think your style really shows in your office (not the storage part!!!). I too have a clothing optional kid, and one who would NEVER been seen without clothes. Thanks for sharing real life.
ShellyHi Shelly! Welcome and thanks for stopping by =) I’m glad you think my style shows off more in my office because that’s where all my most favorite or favorites live. And pretty much everything minus that blush chair, office chair, and a couple candles are vintage, secondhand or handmade. It’s the love of the hunt I guess.
I normally never show my kids on the blog, so this was a rare glimpse at the one. The other was quarantined to his room…he’s finally better!
I love this posting of no makeup homes! More like this would be marvelous!
Brick fireplace and chimney. The brick is not an offensive brick. I think the black frame of the mirror kind of throws things off. Two large white urns or tall vases with greenery on the hearth to either side of the opening and an oval, white framed mirror in place of the black one with more colorful items on the mantle (what’s currently there blends in with the brick) would go a long way toward lightening up that area. My two cents for what it’s worth, lol!
kddomingueI like your two cents! I’ve been going back and forth on that mirror myself. I found it and loved it, but it doesn’t pop, that’s for sure. Mantle styling and bottom shelves are hard! =P
kylaAin’t it the truth? Mirrors aren’t easy either! I found this fabulous mirror for next to nothing one day and dragged that thing home proud as the cat that ate the canary! That mirror moved all over my house for a dozen years and never looked right anywhere. So, I asked the girlchild if she wanted it. She dragged that thing home grinning like the Cheshire Cat! And proceeded to move it all over her house for about nine years….and never found a spot where it looked right. Came the day she decided to move to another house and she asked me if I wanted the mirror back and, horrified at the thought of it coming back to haunt me, I practically screamed “No!” at her while making a warding sign against evil with my hands, lol! She sold it along with some furniture to some poor, unsuspecting soul. Weird thing is, is that it really was a beautiful mirror….go figure. Anywho, in regards to your mirror/mantle conundrum, I was thinking something oval would soften all of the horizontal and vertical lines on that wall.
joanna // jojotastic
ok. paint the fireplace, keep the phone jacks for all tubs. 😉
You have a pretty awesome home my dear! I live all of the unique touches. And even au naturale it looks great. That wall paper in the bathroom looks eerily similar to some wallpaper that I’ll be installing soon.
OlaI’m loving bold wallpaper these days. It really does transform a space. Thanks for stopping by Ola!!!
ok, I say keep that bathroom wallpaper… it’s so cool! I loved the house tour. That bar cabinet thing could be really cool… I’ll keep watching to see what you do with that. And, yes.. clothes are overrated and I had a puking kid Sunday night. One night though and we were through it. Hope the same happens at your house! Thanks for putting this together!
Dang girl! Your home is gorgeous with or without makeup! Stunning really…including the smelly man leather! Thanks again for the fab tour!
Oscar @Oscar Bravo Home
Kudos to the Boy for keeping your home looking spic and span! Love your home quirks and all. So much personality
Girl, your no make up home is still stunning! Are you human?? Love that you put this together – it was so fun reading everyone’s posts!
emily jane
oh my goodness, those Milo Baughman chairs! i looove them -truly. madly. deeply. Scrolling down to your lovely living room, “paint the fireplace!” flashed in my head first thing (I waited eight years to paint my enormous, almost 7ft wide & 3ft deep, floor-to-ceiling, non-functioning fireplace/brick installation and have never been happier with a DIY outcome : ). Your reno’d bathrooms are absolutely to-die-for and your dining room is one of my top 5 favorite saved images on Pinterest (it’s on like, 7 of my boards!). In the china cabinet -wondering if those amazing glasses wouldn’t pop more if the shelf they were posing on was also a lighter color (in the same vein as ‘office folder’ ; )..? You didn’t ask but until you win the lottery, that super-functional wet bar might have more confidence if he (she?) got a coat of paint (my first thought was to match the counter top -a dark & moody paint color for both the cabinets & wall could up the charm, but would probably be too heavy in context of the cheerfulness of the rest of the living room..? Or, you could employ a temporary, contact paper DIY to lighten the countertop..? juuust realizing it must be the contrast between the two that my eye finds distracting in the space : ). What a great concept these No Make-up tours (the behind-the-scenes peeks actually make the Instagram & Pinterest worthy images more compelling somehow..?) -thank you!
On Our Radar This Week - Chairish Blog
[…] from House of Hipsters just pulled back the curtain on her home and we are here for it. Her “No Makeup Home Tour” gives a real-life glimpse into the everyday life of one of our favorite home decor […]
Great home tour and “I “would not not paint the brick fireplace in this case. It really warms up your space. You have done a fantastic job working with it. I grew up in the seventies and your gorgeous home has a mildly boho/mid century vibe. Love it.
Also paint that China cabinet one day and make it part of your story.
I have been a decorating” buff” for all of my adult life and so nice to see a “real” home posted!
My “naked ones ” are now grandchildren .
I just discovered this blog for the first time – your home is beautiful! The head planter is fabulous & I’d definitely NOT paint the brick fireplace.
PrimroseThat brick! I just keep staring at it, LOL. I’m very hesitant to paint it. And welcome =) Thanks for taking the time to read and stop by!
Harriet G.
I love how you put the “wine” and “women” together in one place (The picture next to the booze cart). Now if you just have a “song” to go with it! 🙂
Diego Lopes
Your home is simply gorgeous! I love the style and the mix of elements. So chic and elegant!
Jenny B
What a house! Gorgeous! Two thoughts – a pretty bowl (or the shell from your dining room table) for your produce, and beef up the shelves in your built-in. Make the shelves each about 2 inches thick or something. If you look at your pictures, you see that would instantly make them look better. Cheers!
Wow, you have some unique things. I wouldn’t paint the fireplace, it ads great color and texture Thanks for the tour.
You have a very beautiful room, every single of that is decorated perfectly. Thank you for sharing with us.
Oh I love this, Kyla. Thank you for always being an inspiration. I enjoyed this post so much I shared my own no makeup home tour on my blog!
CourtneySorry I’m replying late, but this is so awesome to hear! I’ll be doing it again in Spring!!!
KMP Furniture Blog
No make up tours are far more relatable and inspiring to look at than all those staged places. Vintage, chic rooms, fantastic interior.
No Makeup Home Tour - copycatchic
[…] doing this you guys…but yes, the first home tour of our new house that I’m posting is a No Makeup Home Tour. No staged, professionally photographed glamour shots in this post. But I guess it makes for good […]
Chanel Van Zile
Hi Sis-Kyla I loved your home tour, it was SOOO you! Reading what you were thinking as you were taking us through each room was fun because it only brought me back to our amazing times at UWSP and Gamma Phi! You style beautiful homes and can take over here anytime. Take care-to you and yours!
No Makeup Home Tour - The Makerista
[…] Kyla from House of Hipsters asked me about being a part of her No Makeup Home Tour a few months ago I didn’t have to even think about my answer. I am the first to fight for […]