Last Updated on December 6, 2024
Today I’m participating in the Cozy Little House’s Fall Home Tour. Brenda asked me to join in a while back, but somehow I missed her email. I found it last week while cleaning out my inbox, responded immediately in hopes to be included, and was lucky enough to have her squeeze me in. Thank you Brenda! But after she accepted, I panicked a bit. I seemed to have missed the keyword “Fall” in Fall Home Tour. Uh-oh. You see, I think I’m the only blogger on the planet who does not decorate seasonally. In fact, I barely get my Christmas tree up and decorated before December 24…insert monkey covering eyes emoji.
I thought to myself, ok, just stop over to Target and pick up a bunch of pumpkins. Call it a day. You can do this, right? Make it all cha-cha cool. Wrong. I stood there staring wildly at the pumpkins, and then thought to myself, what on earth do I do with these? See, I told you I’m not a seasonal decorator. And then I thought to myself, duh Kyla, at House Of Hipsters we keep it real. We don’t pretend to be someone we aren’t, amirite?
So today I’m sharing with you my version of a Fall Home Tour…and by that I mean, this is really what my home looks like during Fall…Winter and Spring and Summer. You will see no beautiful white pumpkins or fancy autumnal leaves or stalks of corn beautifully tied with a sash. What you will see is my home and how it looks all the time…the real deal. You’ll see faux peonies, a lot of flea market finds, and rooms that are constantly changing. Styling and restyling are my jam. My home is ever-changing not because of seasons, but because I’m a flea market and estates sale lunatic fanatic. Every weekend I wake up at the crack of dawn and soon enough I’m hauling treasures into the house.
Since you probably came by the way of another blog and may be unfamiliar with House Of Hipsters (HOH), I’ll be telling you a bit about myself, and how and why I decorate with a fun mixture of mid-century modern, vintage, and new. Also, if you’re looking for a source, please leave a comment below, and I’ll try my best to let you know where I snapped up my goodies. Let’s get crackin’, shall we?
Since you’re my guest, I thought it best to start with the guest bedroom makeover. It’s one of the most recently revealed design projects. The entire room was put together with ease, and I’m absolutely thrilled with the end result. The space was also just featured on The Huffington Post…yep, I was dancin’ all day long son! You can read more about the bedroom makeover here.
I love the guest room so much that I keep asking The Boy to swap our primary bedroom for this one. It’s the natural light, bright whites, and texture upon texture that has me saying, “Clutch the pearls, I love this room!”
Fall Home Tour
Even though Decorist designed the room, I was able to add in a couple of my own personal touches. I’m a Mid-Century Modern vintage gal, and I shop a lot at Chairish, AND I love the Chairish Instagram Sales. If you don’t follow them on Instagram, please do. They always update you on when the next sale begins. It’s a fast and furious 2 hours of #SOLD and fast fingers. In other words…tons of fun! The sheepskin and mud cloth pillows and the vintage wedding blanket are all from Chairish. As well as that little black framed artwork over the nightstand on the left. Here’s a closer look.
It’s a pencil drawing of the cutest dog and what makes it really special is that it’s from the personal collection of one of my interior design idols Orlando Soria. If you don’t know him, he used to work for my all-time favorite interior designer Emily Henderson…I swear, if I ever met her in person I might pee. (If you’re new here, check out one of my many I Make Emily Henderson Cry posts. They’re pretty funny and one of my favorite series to write. If I were to pick one for you to read, I’d choose this one here.)
Now I mentioned my master bedroom above, but I have yet to show it to you…this is where you can see the heavy Emily Henderson influence in my home decor.
This room has such a fun story. Earlier this year, I was contacted by a national magazine to publish my master bedroom. Now, this was super weird because at the time my master was U-G-L-Y, you ain’t got no alibi. It didn’t look like this nor did I have any intentions of working on it any time soon. BUT, I had mentioned in an old post that it was on my to-do list. I also said that it might never be completed. Suddenly this room was on the hotlist. I enlisted the help of my internet bestie FleaMarketFAB. The conversation kinda went like this, “Hey Jen, I know we have only spoken through Instagram and you don’t really know me, but hey, wanna help me design my bedroom?” I had the base set but needed some serious styling help. The space HAD to be juicy. It had to be perfect.
She drove over 7 hours in her big red van through horrendous Chicago traffic to shop and style it out with me. We finished it in 1 weekend. The timeline was completely crazy and we were delirious by the time Sunday rolled around. We shopped ’til we dropped and partied with wine and Craigslist…you know 40-year-old lady stuff. We be crazy. Long story short, some weird stuff happened with the magazine, and it kinda got lost in the shuffle. I’m okay with that. It’s still is one rad room, don’t ya think?
See, I told you you’d see some faux peonies. I don’t disappoint. (Oh and that greenery on the highboy dresser above, ya, faux plants. Anything real fears me.) The bangles on my nightstand are from the flea and one of my favorite vendors sources them on trips to Italy That pink Kantha blanket is from the same flea. Randolph has some bonkers good treasures. Be there or be square.
Back downstairs, you wind up in the entryway. This is where you’ll find the prettiest pendant light you ever did see.
At night it sets off twinkles of light that bounce around the entire foyer. It kinda reminds me of a disco ball. It was one of the first purchases I made for the house. To this date, it’s one of my favorites. As far as vintage finds go, rattan has been my jam lately. So much so that I’ve been grounded from bringing any more rattan in the house. But seriously, how much do you love this rattan club chair with the wooly sheepskin draped over it? It’s so soft and cozy and inviting! Add in twinkle lights at night…it’s just a heavenly spot.
If you read my home tour on Refinery 29, you’ll know that the artwork on the walls here is not really artwork at all. Each portrait is a vintage mug shot photo from the 1960s. When I found them at Three Potato Four I became obsessed. I snapped up as many as I could afford, but once they arrived, I couldn’t decide what to do with them. Originally I thought of framing each individually but opted for this instead. Let me tell you, the framer over at Michael’s thinks I’m quite the oddball. I know this because he told me so. I giggled. He’s a hoot.
This vintage barrister shelf (a Randolph Street Market treasure) is a revolving door of vintage treasures. Rarely does it look the same from month to month. However, right now I’m loving all the pops of turquoise. Paired with the over-dyed rug, the foyer presently packs a punch of color to anyone who walks in the front door. The vintage foo dogs were a must-have during a Chairish Instagram Sale (best advice I ever received, never turn down a matching pair of vintage foo dogs. You’ll regret it. If you take anything away from this post, heed that advice.) and the flamingo paint by numbers artwork was a recent estate sale find for a whopping $4.
Well, we’ve made it into my family room. This is where we hang out and watch Scooby-Doo and Tom and Jerry (yes, even the cartoons are vintage) with my two kiddos. My daughter, Little Maus (she just turned 3 last Monday), and my son, he’s 5 going on 14 and thinks everything is “laaaaame” when the older neighbor boy stops over for a play date. He also dressed to the nines when the cute babysitter visits. The last time she arrived, he held the door for her and said, “Ladies first” in his suit at 6:30 AM. The kid cracks me up.
More rattan! Surprise!!!! Seriously, who can resist a Franco Albini ottoman?!?!?! Come on, give me a break! Insert laughing so hard I’m crying emoji here.
This faux bamboo brass shelfie was the score of a lifetime! Summer Thornton hosted her very own flea in her Chicago studio, and it was the first item I snatched up during the sale. Fitting it into the car was an experience filled with blood, sweat, tears, and A TON of curse words. There also might have been a frantic phone call to The Boy. I was also verbally assaulted by a bicyclist who was unhappy with my choice of parking spots. But a thrifter’s gotta do what a thrifter’s gotta do. Completely worth the pain and suffering. It was also a lesson learned — always bring the jacked-up monster truck, and never bring the tiny SUV.
Again, more faux peonies. To be clear, I love fresh flowers, but they just don’t last. I’d much rather spend my dollars on nonsense at the flea market. The most expensive item above is the lucite tray above. The brass pineapple, small vessel, brass key, and antlers are all vintage, flea finds, or handmade items. The brass vase with the faux peonies is a clearance $3.00 Nate Berkus for Target score. I write this because so many people think I spend a small fortune when in reality, I’m quite the bargain hunter. The key to thrifting is patience. It’s taken me almost 6 years to get to this point.
Can you pick out the vintage flea market scores in this photo? *Jeopardy theme song plays* Three, two, one…yep, the bar cart was one. It’s a Society Social Mrs. Lillian bar cart that I saw, paid for, and ran away pushing it as fast as I could. I didn’t want the seller to change her mind. Ha! Kidding…kinda. They had just marked it down to half the asking price which was incredibly low, and they knew exactly what they had. I’m too honest and always tell people when they need to be charging more for vintage. I feel too guilty. They had it sitting in a corner. I don’t think any buyers noticed it sitting there. (That is also a good thrifting tip. Look at the walls, in corners, on the floor…you never know when you’ll find that perfect vintage Persian rug for $25 smackers.) Also, the Heywood Wakefield chair was a Craigslist score. The vintage Division – Downtown bus roll signage…you guessed it, thrifted. The pillow, mint, and white print and vases are from Unison.
We are now rounding our way to the patio. This space was a true labor of love. Some of it was built once, ripped out, twice built, ripped out, three times a lady rebuilt and it was finally finished. Yes, you read that right. THREE TIMES! Was it worth it? Yep, damn straight it was. After three years of working on it, it’s finally finished. Now, this is my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE place to hang out. It’s quiet, backs up to a horse farm. It’s woodsy. Peaceful. The Boy and I like to sit out here by the fireplace. We enjoy a lime in the coconut cocktail or two and just watch the fireflies for hours.
The outdoor fireplace was the one piece of the puzzle no one wanted to talk about during the build. None of us knew how it was going to work, so it was the very last piece to be built. We finally found an outdoor gas insert and our carpenter, Luke, built basically this really pretty box to go around it. The Boy made a concrete form for the frame. Luke was an absolute gem BTDubs. Knowing I’m a freak for vintage, he salvaged a cedar barn beam and laid it in as the hearth.
So there you have it. My Fall Home Tour! Phew! Are you still with me? Sorry, that kinda became a novel. If you are, I’m completely honored you stuck around, and I really hope you enjoyed a peek into my home and my little life. Brenda, thank you again for including me in the Fall Home Tour! This was such fun!

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I love your style! Your home looks beautiful!
Linda @ Itsy Bits And Pieces
I loved seeing your beautiful home, Kyla…so much personality and originality! Who would have thought of mug shots? And I would love staying in the guest room…if I would ever come inside from that wonderful porch. Thanks for sharing!
Ohhhhhh…those mug shots are a hoot! I’d be telling people they were my relatives. Come to think of it, they might be ;).
You scored yourself some awesome finds over the years Kyla, but you already know that. Patience and persistence pays off, and your home is proof of that.
Such a stylish home, filled with personality. Love your outdoor fireplace area! ~julie
Linda @ It All Started With Paint
Your home is amazing with or without touches of fall! It’s no surprise that national magazines keep coming a calling! I may need to stop by and visit the Randolph Street Market on the 26th. I’m in Chicago, after all …
🙂 Linda
Linda @ It All Started With PaintThat would be awesome! I just heard another blogger on the tour lives in the Chicagoland area as well! Do you live in the burbs or Chicago city proper? I’m a burbs girl. I commute downtown on Metra for work.
I’m with you 100%, you have to be true yourself and your own style…winter, spring, summer or fall. Loved the tour and that fireplace, wow!
KimThanks so much Kim! I’m hoping it doesn’t rain tonight so I can spend another night in front of it.
darrielle Tennenbaum
I love all the textures you use throughout your home! The spunky details are great too!
darrielle TennenbaumThat’s actually a really good description of my house. It is kinda spunky! Thanks for stopping by!
I not only enjoyed the tour and like your style, I love that you are true to you! Makes me feel more comfortable mixing my French country with a tad of modern.
JemmaI love mixing things. I think it makes it not so matchy-matchy and your treasures really pop! Thanks so much for stopping over and taking the time to read my post!
Brenda Kula-Pruitt
True Kyla style all the way! Love what you surround yourself with!
Brenda Kula-PruittBrenda! Thank you sooooo much for including me on this amazing tour! It’s been so fun seeing everyone’s home. And you still love me even with my email pop up??? =) I really hope it doesn’t make you leave. I stumbled up on that post a while back and it was right after I installed it. It think I actually put my head in my hands. I was like oh no! What did I do!
Jocelyne Yamaguchi
LOVE your home and all of your decor!!! Each piece is so perfect, you have a special eye for things! I need to borrow it from you when I brave the thrift stores!
Jocelyne YamaguchiCan I tell you how awesome you are for visiting?!?!?!?! I will go thrifting with you any day!
Cecilia MyThriftStoreAddiction
Hello, I am visiting from the tour! Your flea market bar cart is the best! Blessings, Cecilia
Cecilia MyThriftStoreAddictionOh it was one heck of a score! Ievery time I walk past it makes me smile and then I laugh at the ordeal of what I went thru to get it home. HA! Thanks so much for visiting!
Kristi @ Chatfield Court
Love your style and the fact that you are keeping it real. Great tour!
Kristi @ Chatfield CourtThanks Kristi!!!!
Love your style!! Thanks for showing us your beautiful home!
jezuriI was so excited to be included in this great home tour! Such beautiful homes by everyone. Thanks for taking the time to look at my place =)
Alice Wingerden
I seriously LOVE your home. Fall or no fall. It is perfect. And I am gonna just come over right now and steal your bedroom rug if that’s okay? Now…come help me style my place! ;p
Alice WingerdenYou are the sweetest! Okay, you can have the rug if you share you magic of how you makes apples show their emotions. =)
I have that EXACT flamingo paint by number!!!
janaeNO WAY!!! That’s actually pretty crazy and very cool! I love it when a vintage treasure finds a twin. It very rarely happens.
Would love to know where the beautiful blue velveteen headboard is from!
Caitlin @ Desert Domicile
I LOVE how colorful your home is! Do you have a source for the big mirror in your bedroom? I’m hoping it’s not a fabulous flea market find because I need one! 😀
Benita Roberts
I love your home and saw a few bits of “orange”, but know they are not seasonal. Your ottoman poof does look like a giant pumpkin though! 😉 LOVE the mugshots…I have some photos that I took of criminals while they were in jail and I keep looking for the perfect place in my home to put them…just because I like them. 🙂 I did see a few vintage cameras that I would run in and steal, I mean borrow, when you weren’t looking! :-0 Gorgeous!!
Benita RobertsHa! That pouf is kinda like a giant pumpkin! I’ll take that as Fall decor! OK, you must post about those photos. I was originally going to hang my mug shots in the bathroom, but I was afraid any steam might ruin them. Thanks for stopping over and reading my post!
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Thanks so much Laura!!! Some people are REALLY creeped out by the mug shots. You either love em or hate em. Thanks for stopping by and dropping a line =)
I love seasonal decorating, I just can’t do it very well. I looked at all the other homes on the tour and kept saying, man that is gorgeous! I think my problem is that I don’t put some of my vintage goodies away. I try to add more and it just ends up looking cluttered. Thanks so much for taking the time to stop over to read about my Fall (not so Fall) Home Tour =)
House of Brinson (William)
Just as amazing as I thought it would be!!
House of Brinson (William)Thank you so much for stopping by to see it!
This was awesome. Love how you share your flea market scores and finds. And your writing is hilarious!! Flea market lunatic?? hahahhahahahah!!! People think I am crazy too…. I have going to flea markets since I was 16 or 17. Um, yeah that would be the late 1970s for me! I would bring “cool” dec accessories and collectible barware and vintage cocktail shakers, vintage jewelry, costumes, etc., home and my parents thought I was nuts…..Ahead of my time is how I think of it!
SusanThanks Susan! Man I love myself a flea market. I always visited thrift stores in middle school and high school, but never knew flea markets existed until about 15 years ago. I fell in love with flea shopping at first sight!
Thank you so, so much! And for sure! Share away =) Thank you!
I just found your blog and love your style! Is that a gnome giving the middle finger? If so, where did you get it?!?!?
Girl! You and me both! I’m just answering comments now. How did this year become so crazy? Thanks for stopping by and checking it out!
Love your home! Absolutely the right mix.
Wow! I just came across your blog and I must say, you did an incredible job styling your home. I love all the little details that pull the rooms together. It’s very stylish, but still cozy and inviting. It has a very serene vibe, which I love. Would you mind telling me what paint color you used on the walls in the living room? I love it! It’s very soft and calming. Thank you!!
Hi–where did you get the rug in your bedroom?
I am also wondering where you got the beautiful rug in your bedroom. Was it super expensive?
Inspiration, While I Wait: Dressers & Commodes | edinordic
Lovely home. What’s color is the paint in the room with the blue headboard? Thanks!
Jennifer Ford
Oh my goodness, I love your style! I too am a huge EH fan! 🙂 Your bed is my dream bed. Pinterest must have known that I was googling navy blue tufted beds this afternoon, because lo and behold, your beautiful bedroom photo appeared in my feed! Would you be able to share with me where I can find one like it? Thanks so much!
Jennifer FordThis comment just put the biggest smile on my face! Thank you so much! Would you believe that navy blue velvet tufted bed is from Target!!!!!!
Jennifer Ford
kylaShut. UP! Target?! I THOUGHT that might be the Target bed that EH used in the Curbly master bedroom makeover, but I wasn’t sure. So glad to know that it really looks that fabulous! Thanks so much for the link. Glad I could make you smile! 😀
Marnie Hansen
This is gorgeous. If you ever sell your Division-Downtown sign? I’m your girl. I live in Spokane, and Spokane’s main street is Division (which takes you downtown)! Love your home because it’s packed with personality! (And I’m a rattan lover, this speaks my language!)
Wow, just came across your site for the first time! Absolutely fabulous style. I love your bedroom and… well… pretty much every indoor and outdoor space you just posted about.
Can you talk about sources? Looking for:
– pillows in the bedroom and the hot pink/blue one in the family room
– cute bronze sconces in the bedroom
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Nicole D
Where are the dressers in pictures 2,8, and 9 from??
Nicole DHi Nicole! I always hate to say this answer, but they are all vintage. Insert monkey covering its eyes emoji. But, I can you the makers of two #8 Johnson Carper (recently saw a couple of them on Chairish). #9 is by Kent Coffey. It’s the Tableau design. I recently saw 2 on Chairish and one on Etsy. #2 does not have any markings on it. Hope that helps.
Lauren @ mercyINK
Oh I love it all! Could you share your master bedroom paint color?
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Megan Haas
Just found your blog and I love your house! Can we be roomies? Also, where did you get the colorful pillows that are on your bed and where did you get those gold cylinder wall lights from in that same room?