Basement Bathroom Design Update
Last Updated on December 4, 2024
At the end of December, I dropped a bomb post stating I was certifiably insane. Yup, I started another bathroom renovation, but it was necessary. That basement bathroom was so dingy and yucky; there was no excuse not to update it. As long as we’re getting dusty and Gerry and his crew were at the house anyway, why not knock it all out, right? Bring out the sledgehammer, guys! Let’s get to work!
Table of Contents
Basement Bathroom Renovation Progress
Don’t miss the complete before and after black and white bathroom renovation here, and be sure to let me know what you think in the comment section!

If you thought Potty Paradise was small, well, the basement bathroom might have an even smaller footprint. It didn’t take a lot to demo this room. Case in point. Toilet. Gone. Sink. Gone. Vanity. Gone. Towel bar. Gone. Boom.

I told The Boy I wanted to remove a soffit to hang pretty brass pendant lighting. He said there was no way, but I pressed on and poked the bear. In these situations, when I want something, I’m like a dog with a bone. Finally, he gave in and said, “do what you want…ask Gerry.” Guess what Gerry said…let’s hammer into it and take a peek at what’s up there. Who knows, it might just be decorative. Ya buddy! Guess what…IT WAS DECORATIVE! Peace out 80’s soffit. Bring on the pretty lighting!
Bathroom Mood Board Design
As mentioned in the last basement bathroom update post, this space wouldn’t have the glam shazam look of Potty Paradise. This design would be more of a modern take on a classic look. But that doesn’t mean the design can’t smash it. Once again, I looked to white subway tile to accent the walls and their black penny rounds on the floor. How much more classic can you get than that, am I right?

Installing The Tile
Before the penny tiles install could happen, the floor needed to be leveled, which proved to be a pain in the arse, but Gerry knew if it weren’t perfectly level, those penny rounds wouldn’t lay right. I love that I found a contractor who pays attention to every detail. I also love him for being so understanding when I say things like, “Hey Gerry, your boots look awesome on that tile! Don’t move a move; I gotta grab my phone!”

How yummy is this tile??? Clé Tile’s website suggested using a neutral gray grout, and ultimately we went with that. Though I was tempted to be really edgy and use black grout, I wasn’t sure how Instagrammable black on black would be. Ummm, ya, Instagramming my shoes was a grout decision factor. I’m such an Insta dork. After Pinterest searching black grout on the black tile for hours, I played it safe.
Once the penny rounds set, it was onto the walls. I probably mentioned this before, but I have a young boy whose aim isn’t always awesome. White subway from Clé Tile to the wall rescue. Behold Gerry, tile layer extraordinaire. Look at that precision!

We finished the tile with the same brass edging we used in Potty Paradise, and I’m becoming quite obsessed with it. Like, I kinda wanna edge everything in brass. Can we all take a pause and oooh and ahhhh over this scene just for a minute?

Wallpaper In A Bathroom? Yup!
Next up is the wallpaper install. The dude who installed this paper was as nervous as a cat in a bathtub when I said I was a blogger and was about to take pictures of the process.

After a couple of panels went up, he got comfy with the camera and figured out I was focusing more on the wallpaper anyway. Speaking of wallpaper………ERMERGERD!!!!! Which BTDubs is a peel and stick wallpaper.

The palm fronds have brass stems that pick up the brass edging (it’s also removable, so if you’re a renter…this whole wallpaper adventure is possible). Potty Paradise just got some competition for the prettiest potty in the nation. And how about that brass pendant lighting? BTDubs that lighting is presently on sale (and in this photo, it’s missing the bottom half of the globe).
My son has yet to name this bathroom; so far, he’s only deemed The Boy’s band Spark Diaper… which consists of him and his hunting buddy Tony. (They’re big in the Netherlands. LOL.) I’m all ears if you have a name for the basement bathroom! Bring it on.
Before I wrap up, I need some help finding the perfect mirror. I have an antique wooden ladder I’m thinking of using for holding Turkish hand towels in the space. What do you think…a wooden mirror? Black mirror? Brass mirror? Its home will be over a simple white pedestal sink. I would love to hear your opinions because I honestly haven’t a clue. Whatever it is, it’s got to be small. Like no bigger than 17″ wide. Eeeep. That’s teeny tiny. Comment below with your suggestions.

More Home Decorating Inspiration and Wallpaper Ideas
Check out the Basement Powder Room makeover update.
See what luxury vinyl flooring we chose for the basement.
The Boy Flooded The Basement! This is exactly what happened.
Playing with the Basement Design and figuring out what would work for our family.
OMG, The Boy flooded the basement. See the mess and the plan we have to fix it
Black Luxury Wallpaper – see how the Phillip Jeffries wallcovering looks in the bedroom.
Omg it’s looking so good. The black, white and brass combo is solo good! I personally think a brass mirror would look awesome to pick up the accents but wood is also sounding preeettyy interesting. Can’t wait to see the final!
CatherineWho knew a mirror decision would be so difficult. Everything else in the space was easy peasy. I knew right away. But this mirror…ARGH! Thanks for stopping over Catherine!
Jo@La Boheme
Omg! AMAZE! Brass mirror 100%! Or a gorgeous ornate wood to bring in a natural element & add some warmth? That wallpaper & the brass edging!???
Jo@La BohemeAH! I love your reaction to the space! It’s the absolute best. Thank you soooooo much for stopping over and checking it out. Much love!
Brass is good but safe. The wallpaper is statement enough but I’m thinking you could find an interesting vintage mirror for that spot. Maybe brass AND wood?
EllisaBrass and wood would be the bomb. I’m going on an Etsy search.
Dang girl! You have serious bathroom game. it looks so good!
JessicaI’m declaring (after one 2 bathroom designs ever) that I LOVE DESIGNING BATHROOMS! Can I just do that for the rest of my life? LOL
I Subway tile. Your design is bold and lovely. LOVE the floor tile.
MegThanks Meg! That wallpaper really adds a bold element. Take it away and it’s a totally different look. Thanks for stopping by!
Becky @ Daly Digs
Loooovee the wallpaper! Especially that brass stem detail. What about a pop of color in your mirror?
Love your blog! 🙂
Becky @ Daly DigsBecky you’re the sweetest1 Thank you! And hmmmmm, never thought of adding color with the mirror. That would add some playfulness to the space. Great suggestion.
Libby J
What about a bamboo mirror, something like this?
Libby JThat one is pretty! Might be a contender.
I like the idea of using a vintage wooden mirror. The wood will add a nice warmth. And the vintage aspect is a nice juxtaposition to the modern elements. It’s all about the mix.
It may take some time to find the perfect mirror. Be patient, grasshopper.
MaryBeing patient is not one of my virtues LOL, but you’re totally right. Must hold out for the perfect piece.
OMG! That art deco mirror is insanely gorgeous! I’m going to start saving my pennies!
Ermergerd would be the perfect name for that bathroom.
I say frameless so it just reflects the amazing wallpaper or minimal frame:
Jennifer Worley
love the brass wainscot tile cap idea! what product did you use? inspiration!
Paulette Insall
Oh my I’m in total love with penny round tile! Your bathroom is looking fabulous!
WOW it’s looking awesome. I like very much the floor of this bathroom!!!
Laura Irion
I have been so excited about this bathroom!!!! That wallpaper is seriously beyond…ALL of it is tho! Thanks for the mention friend. You’re crushing this. Can’t wait to see more. xo!!!!