Last Updated on December 6, 2024
So I need your help — like I really need help. My foyer is finally no longer a merry-go-round of random tables, chairs, trunks, and shelving. Yeah me! That in itself is winning. This has been a long 3-year process to finally get it where I feel satisfied with the look and feel. I really liked the idea of shelving in this space, but with small children, my precious knick-knacks seemed to wander off or [sad face] break into a million pieces — no open shelving in the foreseeable future for this gal. However, the lightbulb shone brightly above my head when I found this barrister cabinet at the flea market in Chicago, and I thought the height would fit nicely under the stairs.
RELATED: Learn how to calculate the best rug size for a living room, and nail it every single time.

The glass doors protect my precious vintage SX-70 polaroid camera and deter sticky little fingers. The vintage paddles were found in my hometown of Baraboo, WI, and the chair is a reupholstered vintage Haywood Wakefield that I found on craigslist. Total and complete score!
Anyhoo, here is my dilemma. I know I need to add color and love bold splashes in other homes but shy away from it when it comes to my own. Color is a commitment, but I’m forcing myself into color with an affordable rug (and possibly some peel-and-stick wallpaper — baby steps here.) Let’s stay focused on the rug. I need help. I don’t think I’ve ever purchased a real rug. Oh sure, I have a jute rug by the front door, but I’m talkin’ about a fancy rug. One with color and pattern. One that I’m going to be committed to. I thought I found the perfect rug at Lulu & Georgia, but it was out of stock. I would have cried in my soup had I been eating soup.
I’ve picked out a few below. but let’s refresh. This rug will live in the foyer. I will have people with dirty shoes coming thru the front door, so nothing can be too light or white (although I have picked one light rug in a light orchid color…it’s gawjus!). I’ve looked at Persian rugs, Turkish rugs, vintage kilim rugs, trellis rugs, and chevron rugs. My mind is spinning with rugs. I know I need a rug, but decisions, decisions. What do you think? Let’s go shopping together, shall we? Sources are listed below…also, the Randolph Flea Market is coming up on July 26 and 27 of this month. Seriously, it is one of my favorite fleas to attend. The finds there are so unique, plus they have music and great food — you can’t go wrong. Come and meet me there!
RELATED: Rounding up the best outdoor rugs for your patio and backyard and the best thing, they are all affordable washable rugs!
Shop These Eclectic Modern Rug Options

1 /// 2 /// 3 /// 4 /// 5 /// 6 /// 7 /// 8

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Brandy Lea
I certainly wouldn’t call myself an expert in purchasing rugs…like you, I have never purchased a “real” rug. But my insight would be to keep to a pattern that have soft edges because most of your decor has circular or soft edges. I think a rug design that also has those similar soft edges would accent well. In my mind that would eliminate #5, 10 and 11. Of the group above I am loving #6 for the design and #7 for the color. Best of luck! I can’t wait to see what you decide upon!
Brandy Leathanks for your recommendations brandy! i keep coming back to #7 as well! it’s the closest thing to the lulu & georgia rug i originally wanted…nd i really love the turquoise color…for some reason that color calls my name!
laura irion
ohmugudness (do i start all my comments to you that way?) i love your finds for the foyer! the cabinet is awesome and the oars look absolutely perfect the way you’ve casually propped them up. bravo, styling superstar! and don’t even get me started on how much i need a chair like that. but rugs. i’m laughing to tell you, my total fave is the expensive one!! figures!! but it. is. PERFECT. after that i like the holy-balls-bright one. let’s change like to love, because i love that one. i recommend against chevron because i have this personal theory it’s way overdue to move on out of trendville, and is best used as shelf liner, for instance, instead of something expensive like a rug. i agree that 5 & 6 are too safe – since you’re trying to go outside your comfort zone with this one. (and i’ll take 5 for my house, thank you very much, since i’m like super happy staying in my comfort zone at the moment). i can’t wait to see what you go with!!!
laura irioni’m so glad you think chevron is played out…which is sad because i was a crazy chevron whore…it had its moment, but yes, i’m kinda over it as well
laura irion
oh, one more thought…as i first started reading your post this picture from kate arend’s instagram popped in my mind:
(hope that works, if not find @witanddelight_ at insta and look for the picture of nude colored shoes on a blue turkish rug)! anyways, i think that rug would also look great in your space, with the colors you have going on. in the comments she said it is from and you can search for turkish rugs. anyway…good luck! i know your pick will be awesome. 😉
laura irionoooooh! i like that one too! the 2 top persians are from and the turkish is pretty jazzy but i didn’t see a blue one…i’ll have to look again! i’m liking the idea of the blues too…maybe i’m forcing too much color with the holy balls bright one
Bmore Bungalow
I like #1,2, and 8. So many lovely options to choose from.
Bmore Bungalowthose persian rugs sure are pretty aren’t they! thanks for stopping by bmore bungalow!