Last Updated on December 6, 2024
The question I’m asked time and time again is, “Kyla, how did House Of Hipsters get its name?” Pull up a chair; I’d love to tell you about it. HOH started as a hobby blog with zero direction or thought—sometimes, I think this is still true today, but that is beside the point.

The Boy and I had just purchased a new home in a cookie-cutter subdivision in the suburbs of Chicago, and I was a mom of two. There was never a minivan, but overall, not very hipster, am I right? I was the Creative Director at a small advertising agency in Chicago. Working on clients like Weight Watchers and Hawaiian Airlines sounds way more exciting than it was. Being tied to brand standards and deadlines crushed my soul.
Table of Contents
Shoutout To HGTV, Buzzfeed, and Brian Boitano
I needed a creative outlet, so I started a blog called Design And Artsy Shit, but the last thing I wanted to do was write about graphic design and ad campaigns as a hobby. During my maternity leave, I discovered Secrets From A Stylist, and I began decorating my home with Emily Henderson‘s advice in tow. Her Mid-Century Modern, quirky design style was my jam.

Naptime consisted of me pushing furniture, hanging pictures, styling vignettes, and Design and Artsy Shit morphed into a haphazard home decor blog. The name had to change but to what?
Back at the office, we’d all eat lunch in the conference room, and one day my co-worker proclaimed me a hipster. Kyla, you wear Chucks and trendy mom outfits. My mom brain was like, “Ummm, that does not make me a hipster,” but to prove me wrong, she said, “There’s gotta be a Buzzfeed quiz to settle this. Let’s take it.” This was back in 2014, and sadly, the specific hipster quiz in question is no longer on the site. You can: however, construct your new home, and Buzzfeed will reveal your hipster percentage. Apparently, I’m only 50% into my hipster journey, so it’s gonna get weirder. Spectacular.

Are You A Hipster?
After answering stereotypical hipster questions about kale, mason jars, craft beer, bikes, sneakers, and coffee and asking if my decor had a bird on it (it did), the last multiple-choice question clinched it.
If you could have lunch with anyone, who would it be? Marilyn Monroe, Britney Spears, the president, or Brian Boitano. You know I immediately slammed my finger down on skater boy. Why? Because how often are you asked out to lunch with Brian Boitano? Srsly? Never! Imma jump on this rare opportunity—my quiz results: 100% Hipster.

The next morning, in the shower, where I always have my most creative thoughts, I started thinking, maybe I am a hipster? I decorate my home with weird, quirky things. I love all things vintage, flea markets, and thrift stores.

Never have I ever dressed like everyone else—not in high school and not now. Even my kids are dressed like little vagabond wierdos.

Maybe this whole Kyla is a hipster concept should be embraced on the blog. Fact: we live in a house. Fact: we are hipsters (according to Buzzfeed). And THAT is how House Of Hipsters got its name—derived from a Buzzfeed quiz and Brian Boitano.

Do I still question whether or not I’m a hipster? Yup, every day. In fact, sometimes I tell the people I meet; I’m not a hipster; I just play one on the internet. But I do love all things unique. Different from the norm. Things that reflect my quirky, weird personality from fashion to decor. Maybe denying yourself as a hipster is the pinnacle of being a hipster.

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Ice Cream & Tequila
Lovely story, thanks for sharing!
Kyla Herbes
Ice Cream & TequilaThanks so much for stopping by!