Last Updated on December 5, 2024
#GIRLBOSS: WOW! All I can say is this chick is M.O.T.I.V.A.T.I.N.G!!!!! I picked it up and can’t put it down. If I didn’t have children, I know this slow reader could probably plow through it in one day. For those of you who haven’t read it yet, Sophia Amoruso is the founder and CEO of In eight years, she went from a small vintage store on eBay to a $100 million dollar company with over 350 employees. Seriously, THAT is insane! Have you guys started this one? Did you feel challenged? Motivated? Can you relate to her? Was there anything that you learned?

Table of Contents
#GIRLBOSS Book Review Discussion
Since I’ve just started, I can’t speak to all of these questions, but I definitely feel empowered. I feel motivated to continue on with House Of Hipsters and only make it better this year. I love how she says, if you believe in yourself and you believe what you are doing has worth, you will succeed.
RELATED: Check out the newly released home decor books of 2023.
What’s Next In Book Club?
So how are you guys doing? Did everyone pick a book? Have you read all 3? Have you read a paragraph? Hee, hee. I won’t judge. I’m the slowest reader on the planet and besides, this is a no obligations book club. No pressure, come and go as you please. I pulled 3 titles for this first intro to book club. Mainly to gain some insight into your interests and gauge the tempo. I don’t want anyone to be waiting impatiently nor do I want anyone feeling left behind. From here on out though, I’ll only be suggesting one book at a time. But let’s discuss the books on the menu, shall we?
RELATED: This round up of the best fiction books to read is not to be missed.
This Is Where I Leave You
I loved This Is Where I Leave You. I found it hilarious and often heartbreaking. It’s funny how during a period of mourning so many unexpected epiphanies can happen. There were so many times that I just laughed out loud while reading this book. There were a few characters I could identify with. Sometimes Judd, sometimes Wendy, sometimes Phillip. Probably not Wade though. Could you identify with anyone? In the end, I wanted more. Which is I guess might be significant to the book’s title. What did you think about this one? Did you enjoy the dark comedy?
RELATED: Check out my epic round up of the best interior design books for beginners and decor lovers.
The Good Girl
I just finished reading The Good Girl. I don’t know if I’d call it a high-intensity thriller, but it was definitely a page-turner. There was suspense, and I found myself comparing it to Gone Girl. Almost nothing turned out as I expected. Mia Dennett was portrayed in many different lights. Maybe that is because the story is told from 4 different perspectives, none of them being her own…until the end. I keep asking myself if she was any or all of these personas or was she just as horrible of a person as her father. What do you guys think? Did anyone truly know the real Mia Dennett? Do you think she really had amnesia? In the end, I felt horrible for Colin. I think he was the true victim in the story. Do you feel the same?
And for now, this is where I leave you. I’m going to take a short vacation from the blog (besides a fun New Year’s champagne drink recipe, and yes, it is delicious!), but I will be checking your sweet comments for book club. I’d love to hear what you guys thought of the books in the comments section below.

HOH Book Club Reviews
Let’s review the book Girl On The Train. As a daily train commuter into Chicago, I could totally relate to this book because you do see into the same people’s home every single day.
Yes Please by Amy Poehler book review. This one fell a bit flat for me, but I would love to here your thoughts.
If you’re looking for the best interior design books or looking to give a decorating book as a gift for the holidays. Don’t miss that roundup, and be sure to bookmark that post because I’m always updating it with my favorites.
If you’re looking for the best book to read from booktok, you’ve hit the jackpot. I’ve shared a list of my top books that you must read and are perfect for your next vacation.
I loved all of these books, for different reasons.
This is where I leave you: I laughed all the way through this book, they were an odd mix of people who dispute their differences loved each other fiercely. I see so much of my own family dynamics in them. I wanted so badly for Judd to have a happy ending…..I wanted that Hollywood ending for him, for all of them really, but despite myself I loved how it ended. Life is like that, it can’t be wrapped up into a perfect ending, it just continues and sometimes you don’t know what tomorrow will bring.
The Good Girl: I wanted to slap Mia at the end…..I didn’t see that coming! That says a lot about the book as I always see things coming, but this one caught me off guard. Colin was a poor victim in her twisted mess, so many times she could have stopped what happened, it made me very angry that she didn’t. It actually took me a long time to like this book but once I was in I was all in and I wanted more for Colin and Mia, I wanted them to have the life they planned together. While I was happy Mia’s Dad for what was coming to him, was it worth a mans life? I am not sure. I loved the book but it makes me sad to see the heroin become a villain in the end.
#GirlBoss: you can’t help but be motivated by this book, her story is inspiring and very powerful, but while I love a good motivational story the reality is a lot of what made her so successful was her. She is a rare person and very few people will find the success she did. I want to believe that we all have it within us (and in some regards we do) but very few will follow through. I love her voice though and her story is funny and inspiring at the same time, I had never heard of her before this, sorry! I am not a fashion girl at all…..I don’t get the hype! But she is the type of person I would be friends with because she is who she is and I like a person who is authentic to who they are.
Great selection of books Kyla, I would have read none of these myself! Thanks for taking me out if my comfort zone…..looking forward to what is next! Merry Christmas!
GillyGilly! You read all three! Okay, you’re all kinds of awesome!
This Is Where I Leave You: I too wanted that Hollywood ending for Judd. Although it was kind of refreshing not to get it. Part of me hopes the author writes a sequel. He probably won’t. I still loathe the wife and feel bad for Penny even though she was completely naive. She really should have let him explain a bit more. I think they would have been good for each other even though they wouldn’t have lasted. Part of me wants to see the movie and another part doesn’t. That whole book is better then the movie thing, ya know?
The Good Girl: I’m so glad to know I wasn’t the only one who didn’t see that ending coming. I thought, man, I’m probably the only one. In fact, the first few paragraphs, I thought she was revisiting the bar in which she met Colin. I was completely confused and then wham, it hit me what was happening. I think I said, “SHUT UP!” out loud. And who knew you would love Colin in the end? Poor boy.
#GIRLBOSS: I need to read more before I comment. But as for the first 150 pages, I’m hooked! And you’re right, I too want to be friends with her 😉
I’m so happy to hear you enjoyed the books! Look for the new book title in a few weeks!
kylaI totally screamed SHUT UP! Too! Ha….so funny we had the same reaction!
GillyDid you see that I posted a new book? Yes Please by Amy Poehler. I’ll be posting a discussion page in the next couple weeks =)
GillyHi Gilly! New HOH book club reading – The Girl On The Train by Paula Hawkins. Just thought I’d let ya know in case your interested in joining the discussion in a few weeks =)
Just finished The Good Girl’. What I’m most confused about is: why did she gave Colin the gun in the end?
Did she in the end really believe in the story they made up together, that she was Chloe and he was Owen and that Dalmar was after them? Or didn’t she love Colin enough to take the consequences of what she did to her father and wanted she the world to think she still was the victim now that they were found (people would ask questions when she was the one holding the gun, isn’t it)? Or didn’t she expect him to be shot and just wanted the prove that someone loved her enough to save her from Dalmar? Or this…? Or that…?
Keeps me busy all day (and I have visitors because it’s X-mas, haha)!
Thanks for the recommendation anyway, because I loved the book from the very first chapter!
LizLiz, I’m so happy you enjoyed the book!. Personally, I think she just wanted a man to care for her and protect her at any cost. I think she was hoping Colin would protect her from being taken back to her family. In the end she was really as horrible as her father. Cold hearted. I think she faked everything, but finally was getting the attention she craved from her mother.
LizDid you see that I posted a new book? Yes Please by Amy Poehler. I’ll be posting a discussion page in the next couple weeks =)
I totally read the wrong Jonathan Trooper book! I read One Last Thing Before I Go. Way to screw up the book club on the first month.. lol. I have the other two on hold at the library still… oops! I’ll rejoin the conversation once I read them (and hopefully be on top of things better once the holidays are over!).
Ashley@BiggerthanthethreeofusOh no! HA! Well, was it good? Would you recommend it?
kylaI finally got my hands on #GirlBoss and The Good Girl.
#GirlBoss – Can I say I loved the art before each chapter as well as the motivating quotes. I’m a sucker for that kind of stuff! I think I would have enjoyed this much more if I had heard of Nasty Gal. It’s super impressive that she has accomplished what she has, but just in general, I was not engaged. For example, if this book was on say… the founder of Etsy (a company that I’m familiar with) then I would have enjoyed it much more.
The Good Girl – I usually hate books that change characters every chapter and this one does that and changes time. BUT, I think if it wasn’t written how it was then it would have been a pretty one-note story. I felt like the transition of Mia’s character from scared of Owen to loving him wasn’t done that well. It didn’t evoke any emotional change from me which I think it needed to. At the end, I totally didn’t see it coming that Mia had set it up.
Good choices though! Looking forward to next month. Have you decided yet?
Ashley@BiggerthanthethreeofusSee, I think it was a bad thing that I did know who Nasty Gal was because they are so not my style. Which is why I dragged my feet on reading the book. I had that preconceived notion in my head about the company. Loved the artwork in the beginning of each chapter. I think why I was so engaged is because in high school and college I was that same rebellious girl. Not to the extreme of hitch hiking with truck drivers and hanging out with anarchists, but I didn’t run with the best crowds until I was maybe 20 and got in quite a bit of trouble. I also saw myself in how she worked on her eBay store. That is how i work on my blog. Jump in head first, balls out, complete and total focus. Nothing else matters.
For The Good Girl, ya, I too was a bit disappointed with the I suddenly love Owen transition. You didn’t feel that love. Part of me still thinks she was acting it and maybe that is why it was never developed? I’m not sure.
Next book is Yes Please by Amy Poehler. I’m going to post a discussion page in a couple week =)
I made it through The Good Girl, still on the waiting list for #girlboss (which I cannot wait to read). I wasn’t crazy about GG. I did appreciate that the author attempted to examine Stockholm Syndrome but she didn’t nail it (and the ending kind of ruined that anyway). My full review is here:
but long-story short I had problems with the lack of depth of this novel and the cover. The cover bothered me very much. Still, I’m glad I read it and book clubs are all about picking up books you would not normally chose for yourself.
KristieI’m so sorry you didn’t enjoy the book Kristie. Do you think the reason why the author didn’t nail Stockholm Syndrome was because maybe Mia Dennett was faking it, and the author wanted you to see through this? Just a thought.
kylaNo worries! I think I have a habit of not reading out of my comfort zone and that is one of the reasons I joined this club. I also suffer from “reading good books ruins you for enjoying bad books” (Annie Barrows). I’m currently enjoying How To Be a Woman by Caitlin Moran while waiting for #Girlboss. Can’t wait to see what the next title is going to be! Happy New Year, everyone!
KristieDid you see that I posted a new book? Yes Please by Amy Poehler. I’ll be posting a discussion page in the next couple weeks =)
KristieNew HOH book club reading – The Girl On The Train by Paula Hawkins. Just thought I’d let ya know in case your interested in joining the discussion in a few weeks =)
Loved girl boss! I love that she took a different route that the conventional and that she dares to be politically incorrect. A good read 🙂
JanaOh I’m so glad to hear you enjoyed #GIRLBOSS as much as I did! She definitely took and unconventional route, but I think it just goes to show just how powerful social media can be not only for networking but for brand awareness as well.
Heather Wyancko
Dude.. why can’t we live in the same city and be best friends! I’m getting this book (because I’ve only wanted to read it for a year, now) and we are gonna trade notes! I LOVE YOU!
Heather Wyancko
Heather WyanckoYou my lady, out of all people NEED to read this book. You will seriously love it. Between the fashion and the vintage finds and style…you could have written this book!
That settles it, you’re moving to Chicago…but wait until it quits snowing =) It’ll give you time to plan =)
Heather WyanckoHey lady! Did you finish #GIRLBOSS? I posted the next book? Yes Please by Amy Poehler. I’ll be posting a discussion page in the next couple weeks =)
NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTIONS 2015 | Overdressed Texan
[…] Read from a book at night and put down the iPad. The next book club book will be a paperback! Pinky swearing this. Enough blue light before […]