Last Updated on December 6, 2024
Happy Monday! I hope you had a fabulous weekend. On Friday, we had our first snow of the year, which put a damper on our trick or treating plans, but the kids bundled up and braved the weather. They’ll do just about anything for candy. Saturday was my birthday, and The Boy took me out for dinner at our favorite taco joint, Bien Trucha. And Sunday was a quiet day with the kiddos. Since motivating on a Monday can be a challenge, I thought I’d kick things off with some Beautiful Distractions.

London is taking the business of death to another level. Exit Here is a contemporary funeral home that “offers and enables a wide variety of choices so people can really make their exit a personal reflection of themselves”, according to Oliver Peyton, hospitality entrepreneur, and visionary.

Exit Here’s staff will throw you a quaint celebration of life at your home or think big and throw a beach bash for friends and family. The creators even designed their own line of modern caskets and urns. Blame it on Halloween for piquing my interest, but this concept is interesting because if you think about it, the funeral biz has never changed. Lace curtains, stuffy parlors, and the same old boring caskets. If you live in or near London, get your buns to their open house on November 6 and report back immediately.
Have you heard of ASMR? (Pun slightly intended.) I had not until The Savoy Flea sent me down the whisper video rabbit hole. Apparently, when listening, you can feel euphoric tingling sensations when certain sounds are heard. I watched a few, and I still don’t get it. No spine-tingling over here. But search ASMR on YouTube, and you’ll find everything from a chick checking your head for lice (yes, she made me feel uncomfortable) to a flirty flight attendant (even more uncomfortable…dude, has your mother watched this?) Yup, this particular corner of the interwebs is very strange to me.
Emily Henderson’s Secrets From A Stylist is back baby! Well, kinda. Ms. Emily just introduced a styling video series over on Skillshare, and it’s giving me all the feels. I lurve it! Get the deets here.

Dearly beloved, we R gathered here today 2 get through this thing called life. If you were a child of the 70s and 80s, there’s a good chance you were a fan of Prince. My love for that man runs deep. What was to be an autobiography, The Beautiful Ones just hit book shops. It’s on my wishlist. Prince penned 28 pages himself and spent 15 hours with editor Dan Piepenbring, who after his death, went on a quest through the Paisley Park compound to find lost writings and photos. Will this be added to your reading list?

My heart bursts when I find an artist that gives me true joy in my heart. If you don’t know Mohanad Shuraideh, please go to his Instagram and give him a follow immediately. You can thank me later. Here’s a sneak peek of what you’ll find.
His work is part genius, part mad scientist. He mashes old vintage photos into a collage of clever awesomeness.
Final measurements are happening in the kitchen. This means we are going to start cranking and the fun is about to begin. Countertops are on their way!!! If you missed the action, you can read the kitchen reno and demo here and the quartz countertops we chose here.

Did you ever shop at Abercrombie & Fitch? Back in the day, it was the holy grail of cool kids’ clothing. However, when I hit my late 20s, they hired shirtless boys to greet you at the door and every girl was a size 00 slim. The vibe made me more uncomfortable than a cat in a bathtub. But I’ve since returned and am slightly obsessed with their denim. I just picked these up in black (sold out) and these in a medium wash (sold out).
I’m gonna wrap this post up with one last little nugget of home decor humor. SNL had a hilarious skit on Farrow & Ball paint, and it just made me giggle. I love all the colours by F&B, but I’ve never purchased their paint…mainly because of the high ticket price. But I’ve heard it does look above and beyond awesome. Anyhoo…enjoy! Oh, and be sure to stop back tomorrow because I’m sharing pics of my master bedroom makeover!

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