Last Updated on December 6, 2024
I’ve got 99 problems and pillows might just be #1 on that list. Yep, that’s right. I’ve got major pillow problems. So who do I turn to? Ding, ding, ding, that’s right. Pillow guru of style extraordinaire, Emily Henderson.
While putting this post together, I started looking around the house for all the pillows that I’ve purchased since our move 4 years ago. The pillows I’ve stuffed in closets, in the basement, in the corner, on sofas, chairs, and beds…all waiting to be perfected in the perfect palette and pattern family…all orphaned and sad right now. What you’re seeing here is not even half of them. Insert laughing so hard I’m crying emoji here.
Welcome Back To Another Edition Of I Make Emily Henderson Cry
Oh, Emily, you make it look so easy my love. I watch your videos, read your blog, follow your rules, but I still wind up having pillow problems. In fact, they look like, as The Boy would say, the hot chick with crazy eyes. The one you want to date in high school so badly, but you know she’s all sorts of bad news.
See, I purchase a bunch of these “hot chick” pillows with crazy floral patterns and subdued stripes and bring them home because I love them individually. But then I start to mix and match. They sit next to each other on the sofa and start talking their crazy pattern talk. I think I can handle them. I got this. I deny the truth only to be met with an overwhelming punch to the face when I step back to admire my efforts. Chic? Elegant? Effortless? Ya, I think not. So I turn to my girl Emily. She always has the right answers.
Each has a pretty pattern and looks lovely on its own, but mix them up, spin them around, have a cocktail or two and you got a whole lotta crazy happening. Just call me Aunt Fossi with the coordination of a T-Rex…this will make sense when you watch the video. Anyhoo, I watch the video again and edit some more. Argh, she makes it looks so easy.
And I know what you’re doing in this video little stinker, now you’re just showing off. You and your adorable floral patterned shirt and your fancy polka dot pants. Me, I’d looked like a scary psychotic clown if I tried to pull this look off. But not you, my sweet. You’re just effortlessly chic as always. Lookin’ all cute and adorable. Telling me how easy it is to mix and match patterns while standing over the most perfect vintage Persian rug you probably bought at The Rose Bowl flea market for $27 because you have decor skillz that are beyond superhuman.
So I listen again to the rules. I edit my color palette and patterns. I add in texture along with a touch of masculine and feminine. I squint my eyes. But here I am again, dancing drunk on the table with hot pink lipstick because, remember, Crazy Aunt Fossi…look at me….jazz hands. Large-scale floral. Medium-scale floral. Large-scale polka dot. Small scale stripe. A little furry quiet guy to add depth. A solid or two. Even Charlie Hendo is frightened by my efforts. Please, someone, shield that child’s eyes from the horror. Poor thing.
I refuse to go to a big box store and buy the perfect group of pillows that everyone in my neighborhood has procured. Mainly because that would be too easy. I so badly want that beautiful, collected, unique and effortless look. But how do I accomplish this? How do I just decide that my color palette will be blue and hot pink with hits of yellow? Do I buy every single pillow on the planet and edit it down on the perfect navy Mid-Century Modern velvet tufted sofa? Here’s what I’m trying to achieve. Pure perfection, am I right?
So, for inspiration, here are a few more pillow combos where Emily just decides to show off her super-human powers of perfectly styled pillows. As for me, I will keep on keepin’ on. I will continue my quest for the perfect pillow combination. The perfect color palette and pattern mixture. Hopefully, stuff will start happening around here. Wish me luck!
Emily Henderson Does Not Have Pillow Problems

Oh gosh, if I found out she ever read these I would die of both embarrassment and laughter. I would just hope she would think they are as funny as I do. I honestly do have a difficult time with pillows and curtains as well. There’s just this endless amount of choices, you know? And each one can not only change your room, but also make or break your room. Decisions, decisions.
love this! Also, I think Emily would find this funny & like you for it, she just seems like that kind of gal.
So you know how you wondered if Emily has ever seen these posts. Funny you mention it. She found it last night and wrote on my Facebook page. Mouth on floor! My eyes about popped out of my head and I had a panic attack. My idol actually spoke to me. I’m such a dork.
Pam Smith
Love it! I too have a great collection of pillows. I wish I had a closet of shelves just to store them so I could see them all! I do think it takes a special eye to mix those patterns. Don’t give up!
Pam SmithThanks so much for stopping by Pam! And yes, I agree, it does take a special eye to mix those patterns. There’s just so much to choose from!
I have just jumped onto the pillow train. In the past I avoided accent pillow since I hated moving them out of the way to sit down. Now I have realized there usefulness and have gone a little crazy the past couple months. Give me a couple more months and I may have a pile like yours. LOL.
RobinLOL! I was the same way a few years ago…not wanting them at all. It’s seriously hard to know when to stop.
Pillow coordination is an art form! As an interior designer it’s one of my favorite challenges, so it makes me a little batty when my hubby moves pillows around on our sofa and throw the pattern/ solid balance out of alignment. I don’t freak out or anything, but I notice and sometimes have to rearrange.
If you want help, send me photos of the pillows and the sofa situation and I’ll gladly try to untangle the dilemma for ya! I’m in Minneapolis, otherwise I’d just swing by and spend hours rearranging them for ya Emily-style. (though I can’t rock the double print outfits like she can)
Happy Wednesday.
colleenOk, so you are like the sweetest person ever!!! And you’re right. Pillow coordination is truly and art form. It takes a special eye to put everything together.
laura irion
I just want to say THANK YOU for posting that video!!! It is so incredibly helpful…!! Even if it’s impossible to do in real life. At least the “formula” gives us hope right?! Good luck!
Never a dull moment around here 🙂 Pillow junky here too… and it drives the hubby crazy! lol.
KellyHahaha! The Boy is very Type-A personality and I’m not sure how I haven’t driven him to commit himself with all my arranging and rearranging =)
Oh gosh I loved this blog post! Very funny and also informative cuz you put in the video. Thanks for sharing all this!
BrookeThanks so much for stopping by Brooke!
That is a really great way of look at it! They really are the shoes of home decor. You can’t wear them all at the same time and they really are a necessary accessory that can make or break and outfit. And yes! She really did write on my FB page. I feel sorta silly for being so giddy about it, but I am =)
This is just what I needed to read after a long day! Thank you, you made me laugh with your cute little pillow post! I love it so much ,so I am featuring you tomorrow at WIW. Gotta love pillows:-)-)
Aniko@PlaceOfMyTasteSeriously?!?!?! Wahoo!!!! Thank you soooo much!
This is the most brilliant blog series ever. Is it sad that every design choice I make I ask, “WWEHD?” I know I need to be a big girl and stop relying on her inspiration for my every design decision, but I can’t help it. She’s just that good! I’m so glad I’m not the only one that feels this way!
mandieYou are the absolute sweetest! Thank you! I’m so glad you like it because I have such a fun time writing it. And yes, that woman has style oozing from her pores! Such talent. And no, you are definitely NOT the only one! LOL!
This made me laugh out loud! Pillows are really the bane of my existence…I hate them. I can’t tell ou how many I have stacked up in the closets. I wish there was a “please don’t make me buy the pillows” option when I buy new furniture!!! Hahaha!
DoriWe should have some sort of pillow swap party! Maybe then I would find something perfect =) Ha! Glad I’m not the only one.
any idea where the blue bench fabric is from?
tThe one with all the pillows on it? No…I wish I did! If I had to take a guess, I’d make a bet she made it. Crafty little lady that Emily Henderson.
I Make Emily Henderson Cry - House Of Hipsters - Home Decor
[…] there; driving my poor Type-A husband to a level of insanity you cannot even imagine. Playing with pillow patterns until I’m blue in the face. It’s in the details my love, the details that trip me […]