Last Updated on December 4, 2024
Dear diary, it’s been over a week since my last blog post…ahhh! I’m so sorry because I was smashing that post once a week New Year’s Resolution. The job that pays the bills came down on me hard with a crazy deadline for a new client website. Everything needed to be designed and coded in a matter of days for a presentation. And darn it, I broke my streak. But, after pulling a few all-nighters and a couple of glasses of wine, I’m back baby, and ready to share what’s been distracting me lately.

My girl Jojotastic is updating her bedroom and I can’t wait to see what she has up her sleeve. That marble wallpaper she chose looks pretty spectacular.
This Hollywood Regency lion’s head towel holder has me wanting to reno another bathroom. Seriously it’s giving me all the feels.
Today I gave a sneak peek of my office decor process over on Instagram. It’s still a hot mess because it’s the dumping grounds for vintage treasures without a home, but at least it’s starting to get styled.
Meanwhile, I’m loving the new series Two Girls, One Kit (my girls Anne Sage and Caroline Lee). In this post, the duo takes the same camel coat and each girl styles it in their own way. The coat is gorgeous and the series is genius. Check it out if you have a second.
I plan to hang a newly purchased vintage leather brown gym mat on the wall as a headboard in the guest bedroom, and now am on a quest for bed linens. I’ve been perusing Pinterest for inspo and wow there’s a ton of perfectly made beds out there.
With all the political talk that just seems to be growing louder these days, I took a much-needed pause to read my horoscope. February’s theme for me is self-care. What’s yours?
My fine, thin hair is super sensitive, and this dry winter air is not helping matters. I’m contemplating biting the bullet and finally buying a fancy schmancy brush. Do you have one? tell me, is it really worth the hype?
Did you know this was a thing? Ya, neither did I. You learn something new every day.
The Boy and I have decided to take a vacation. We’re gearing up for a trip to The Canary Islands and then jetting off to Paris for a few days. If you’ve ever been to either destination, please share your favorite haunts. I’m in full-on planning mode, and we are thinking of staying here.

More Eclectic Home Decor Inspiration And Other Ramblings
joanna hawley // jojotastic
ahhh thanks for the shout out! xo
Oksana |
Canary Islands sound nice, but I am SO EXCITED for Paris! It’s my favorite place on earth – and you will love it! When we first got married, the husband and I quit our jobs and went on an adventure across Europe, and out of all the places we visited (36 cities), Paris will forever have a special place in our hearts. I have a few posts around our time there, if you’d like to peruse the ol’ blog. But if I share just one piece of advice is that as nice as museums, historical monuments, etc. etc. are, the best time spent in Paris is just wandering around neighborhoods with no end point in mind. Ah, can’t wait to watch your Insta/Snapchat stories while you’re there!!! XO
Oksana | FOXYOXIE.comThat sounds like the coolest adventure ever! I wish I would have been brave enough to do that back in the day. Maybe when I retire I can plan something amazing like that =) And I totally agree with you…the museums and tours and pretty, but I can see that on the internet. Just wandering and taking it all in is the best way to travel Europe. And I’m so happy to hear an honest comment from someone who has been to Paris.
Cynthia Petersen
Mason Pearson brushes are worth their weight in gold, I’ve had a few over a 15 year period and my hair has never been better . Make sure you save the cleaner brush , a life saver . I too have fine hair and the most sensitive scalp on the planet .
Cynthia PetersenOh man, I swear, when I go to the salon and they give me a scalp “massage” I want to cry every single time. It’s pure torture. I’m ordering the brush now…and I think I need a new hairdryer too. I had one of those expensive ones and it broke, so I’ve been using a $12 one from Target. I think that’s another part of the problem. #finehairproblems #finehairgirlsunite
Ah Paris! An American chef , David Leibovitz, lives in Paris and he has a list of Paris restaurants on his blog- very helpful. His pastry app is soooo good- you can look up by food ( pastries, chocolate, ice cream, hot chocolate, etc.) or by district and more. His descriptions of how to get along in Parisian culture were very helpful. Also Sundays and Thursdays mornings the Bastille food market has amazing food. The Rodin sculpture garden is worth a visit. Bon voyage!
DebI’m off to check him out now! Thanks you for the tips!
I love these posts! I follow links which leads me to more links and suddenly 2 hours have gone by and i’m still discovering how deep the rabbit hole goes! Thanks for the intro to some pretty cool blogs!
KatieYour comment makes me so happy! I never know if they will bomb or not, but I love putting them together.
These posts are great…also I don’t know how you can post as much as you do and so so much at home with your *real* job on top of it! I struggle with it. You are killin’ it. Keep up the good work!
Regarding vacation…I have been to Tenerife in the Canary Islands and found it kind of disappointing (sorry to be a Debbie Downer I am just mentioning b/c you asked!!). It was just VERY touristy; I was hoping for more local culture and good shopping. But if you want to chill on the beach and do nothing but relax then it will be lovely. And I was there years ago so who knows what it has to offer today. Paris will be amazing, of course!! Have fun on your adventures!
MelissaLOL, I think it’s because I love the blog so much. There are times when I question myself too, but then I find fun treasures and just want to share them with the world. I’m so weird. =) I was kinda wondering if Canary Islands would be like that. My husband’s work sent us to Puerto Rico last year and it was the same way. Touristy, but drinking on the beach was good. I think if I go into it knowing it’s just hanging out on a beach 24/7, I’m good. I’ll just be sure to bring my trashy magazines about the Kardashians and Taylor Swift gossip of the week. Gotta love Star and US. Plus that means I won’t spend money until I get to the Paris flea LOL. How is the weather? I’m assuming muggy and hot?
kylaYes – that’s the perfect plan! I think my expectation were too high and I thought there would be some Spanish / North African culture represented but it was mostly Brits and Germans and restaurants that have signs with photos of the food out front. As I recall, the weather depends on what side of the island you’re on. One side has a desert climate, the other rain forest. So it depends on where you stay but either way it’s hot. I look forward to hearing about your trip and all of the amazing things that you will find while shopping in Paris!!