Summer Living Room Decor Ideas

I’m sharing all my tips and tricks on finding killer artwork, from vintage portraits to affordable abstract art to sculptures. My art collection has been amassed over the last 3 years.

Estate Sales


If you’re looking for art at a fraction of the cost, be first in line, be persistent, or place a bid.

At The Flea Market


First and foremost, always look down…you may find it hiding, propped up against the leg of a folding table.

Instagram Is A Treasure Trove


See a piece you love on your Instagram feed? Go find them. Seek out their gallery.

Art On Etsy


What’s great about Etsy, is that once you start searching and favoriting, it learns your style and offers excellent suggestions.

Floor Length Options

Phew! Long haulers! You made it. Now, this is my most important question. Did I miss anything? Where do you find affordable original art?