I Found My Old Sassy Magazines


I was sorting through boxes and stumbled across a stack of vintage gold — my old Sassy Magazines circa 1988 through the early 1990s. This has been so much fun to put together,

Hot News From July 1988


According to IMBD, Dirty Dancing 2 is in the works, and Jennifer Grey will return as Baby in 2025.

Noxema’s Sassiest Girl In America Contest


One of the first pages in the July 1988 issue is a contest sponsored by Noxzema looking for the “sassiest girl in America.”

Articles That Made Sassy Controversial


“And They’re Gay” was the center spread article that featured two couples talking about what it was like to be gay in 1988.

Articles Written To Sell Ad Space


To “hide” the controversial articles found in Sassy, editors sprinkled in fluff articles to attract mainstream advertisers.

Floor Length Options

I gotta give props to Erica Reitman for talking about Sassy Magazine in a brainstorming sesh.